Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Running Humor

Forecast: Torrential Downpour/ Hail

what does that mean to this team?

Knapp dragging Tang out of a nap and peer pressuring the other 3 for a new trail which adds to 23 miles for the team.

Hope to Blackstone: 4.6 miles
Tang (NB 903)
Brian (NB Zip 8509)
Knapp (Saucony Omni)
Sri (NB)
Nikki (Asics)

cat-like reflexes stop a splat by Sri.
On the almost-fall:
Nikki: I thought you took a sharp right.
Brian: Yeah, a sharp right in to your face.

Sri keeps upping the ante of mileage.

For those of us who know what a running log is, check out Knapp's. TRIPLE DIGITS.

Polar bears = Coca Cola bears

Brian suggests investing in metalcore for your runs.

and as always, f'in Moses Brown kids pissing me off. The only car to almost run me over at Blackstone had a Moses Brown sticker and now, two backpack'ed a holes tried sprinting around our team to get to their car because of said weather. The inner Marty McFly in me turned my easy run in to a mini-race.

Now that many of you have completed your first successful 5k race, I figured I could "knight" you guys in to running and share some Jeff Foxworthy-esque jokes. I don't know who the running equivalent of Jeff Foxworthy is, so here it goes:

You know you're a runner when...

you have two black toe nails at the same time.

you have a sock drawer and a separate running sock drawer.

You go to sleep thinking of tomorrow's run; you wake up thinking of today's run.

Winter doubles the # of loads of laundry you do in a week...layers.

You realize that every time you come into the house, you kick your shoes off and leave them in the garage but after running, you gently carry your running shoes inside and put them in their own special place in the closet.

You're oddly excited when a family member or friend tells you they'd like to start running.

You get injured, and you want to run anyway

You see someone biking and wonder why in the world they would be doing that when they could be running!

You've map-quested a run to check the mileage.

When you're driving through a scenic area and the first thought that enters your mind is that you'd rather be running through the area.

You go and play basketball and you're the guy running in circles pissing the crap out of all of the non runners just for the fun of it.

If people comment about how big and buff your calves are

If soda is too strong for you

If eating pizza or any other greasy foods makes you sick

You say "its not really a hill."

You might be a runner if at work and school people say "i saw you out running"

The only key on the computer you know by heart is the colon

You can drive through your neighborhood blindfolded and not get lost.

You know other people's neighborhoods better than the residents

If you are in class or a meeting and think of "time remaining" until you get out in terms of "how far could I run in that given amount of time."

You have no qualms about taking a Sharpie and writing all over a brand new pair of $80 shoes.

another popular question: YOU run for fun?

our sport is others punishment.

you like going uphill more than downhill

you get a kick out of passing cyclists

you are passed by a cyclist, get really pissed off and try to catch the bastard

people call you crazy for running and you say yeah so...

on nice days, you don't want to stop running.

people from other neighbourhoods think you look familiar or live in their district.

Every road you drive on you think what a great hill workout this would be.

While everyone is sleeping you are up running, and while everyone is awake you are sleeping

You think 40 degrees is warm, and the ideal temperature falls between 45 and 60.

Shaving 5 seconds off yesterday’s time makes you feel great the whole day long.

Your running log is 100 times more intricate than the national budget.

You can say “five miles” and “easy run” in the same breath with a straight face.

You pass a runner while driving and are envious.

When it hurts worse to take a shower than it does to keep running.

Frozen vegetables are great for your knees

When all your friends think you eat too healthy.

You can eat and drink double what everyone else does and not feel guilty. . . well, not too guilty.

You realize they just can't make a jar of peanut butter large enough

you can spit while running.

you have running withdrawal if you don't run everyday.

your room smells like Icy-Hot and New-Skin.

you see a skinny person on the street and immediately look at their shoes.

Your heart makes the bed shake.

....you think there needs to be a fourth movie made about the life of Steve Prefontaine

You think anyone slower than you is not a runner and anyone faster is just a freak.

You don't Gallowalk

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