Monday, December 6, 2010

Jingle 5k Race Report

Keeping this short and sweet...

Soooo I haven't posted anything in forever. Honestly, I haven't been running as much as I would like to lately. I am averaging maybe 1 to 2 times a week. I really need to step up my game.

However, yesterday was the Providence Downtown Jingle 5K. I ran it with barely any training for it whatsoever. I did not expect to get under 30 minutes. When the run started I was in my normal "game-time" zone and ended up pushing through crowds of people. There weren't as many people at this one compared to the CVS 5K but there were still a good amount of people. I was really impressed with the turnout.

It was a bit chilly! A whopping 30-something degree day. I was definitely bundled up in pants, two long-sleeve shirts, a vest, gloves, and a hat. And, needless to say, there weren't that many people on the sidelines cheering us along on the way. Anywho.. I ended the race with my best chip time yet, 26:46 ---> TANG: time to update my ranking!! :-) It must have been the cold weather or maybe all the jingle bells! Haha, we were given jingle bells to wear while running... people had them around their wrists, ankles, necks, etc... it was a fun run!

I was surprised with my outcome and I am motivated to continue training throughout the winter now... hopefully. I want to begin training for another half-marathon soon. I gave myself 12 weeks last time, I think conditioning through the winter right now will be helpful, then getting hardcore into training again sometime in February-March. The next half-marathon will most likely be the COX Providence Rhode Races in May... We did the 5k in 2010, let's do the half in 2011! Sunday, May 1, 2011 watch out! The TCRC will dominate :-)

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