Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Trot 5k ( & 15k for crazy people)

In what is likely the last race of 2010 for the Tang family together, the Plano Pacers Turkey Trot proved to be a bit chillier than the 80 degree weather from earlier in the week. Awoken from Thanksgiving food comas around 6 am, the Tangs were greeted by the familiar eerie pond with cold-induced fog.

After warming up a bit before the 8:05 start, the weather warmed up to a balmy 32 degrees. The usual guest runners chatted it up over the instructional speech.

The countdown began, 5...4...3...2...1...(look down at watch and start it)...GO!

For the first half mile, I tried to pace with Heather (since she told me my usual positive splitting is plain dumb) as the usual clumping of runners stringed out and settled in to their collective paces. Closing in on the first mile marker, I was clumped with a little kid and an older guy that I stuck with and passed. Since it was and out and back course, I conserved some energy near the turnaround point since the 16 minute 5k'ers were flying at me, meaning for once I didn't pass the runners ahead of me too early. At the halfway point, I felt like someone was riding my pace and was going to pass me but I think he went too quick and slowed at the turnaround. I got to see everyone on the way back and gave em' the point and nod.

Around mile 2, I sat on two teenagers' pace then passed them around the pond. I heard footsteps minutes later, thinking it was the teenagers, but it was two little kids that came out of nowhere and blew right past me. When I run faster I tend to use my forefoot so it was at about
this point my metatarsalgia flared its ugly head. Mile 2-3, I was pretty much running alone so I thought I might as well conserve for the final push.

The nice thing about pacing and not going all out? Finally had a decent finishing kick uphill.
The bad thing about pacing and not going all out? Coming up short for first by 10 seconds in my new age group debut.

Pat's good influence circled me back to the finish line to cheer on Heather, Dad, and Mom.

Of note, when we all cheered on Mom for the finishing kick, out of nowhere, she let out a primitive warrior's yell and sprinted home.

Did it help?

1st in the debut age group race, new PR, and is now 4th on the 5k all-time list.

Finishing times:
Aaron Tang 23:32.44
Heather Tang 25:06.28
John Tang 25:57.04
Lisa Tang 27:18.32 *PR


  • Guy in the Foakleys at the race, talking loudly with your bro while the rest of us tried to listen to the directions for the race that everyone was about to run? You're just amazing and cool. I wish I could be you.

  • Nice to see a ton of DRC half marathon shirts were on display today.

  • Bagels and water after the race, excellent.

The warm yellow drink being passed out? I really hope that was not what it tasted like.

  • After each finish, I realize now that I walk a bit wobbly for the first couple of steps as if I had vertigo.

  • Heather (running, not racing as one of her friends put it) and Dad (who had a hurt right foot for the first part of the race) were short from medalling by probably 10 seconds, I from 1st in about the same time. Dad's age group is the most competitive and the high school xc team came out for Heather's age group. But I think we can all agree, new PR > medals. Unless your name is Mom, then new PR/1st place medal/ moving two spots up the 5k list > all.

  • New 5k PR. My goal for 2011.


  1. Nice job Tangs, the whole family seems to dominate the AG and the trophies. Tang, I have heard some people say that positive splits can (if done right) actually lead to better times. It kind of makes sense, because you will truly leave nothing out on the course if that first mile and change is the hardest, because the rest of the race will just be holding on for dear life. But I think the key is to be as close to even as possible, at least for me.

    I think you will have no problem PR'ing next year, the key is a ton of slow mileage as a base over the winter (READ: marathon training). Then sharpening up with some speed stuff in May and June, then PR city.

    Tang, you going to do the 10k in Newport on the 12th?? Looks like a pretty nice race, like 350-450 people every year. I was bored and looking at the previous results.. This one guy has one like every year since 1998 at least, and always runs pretty much the same exact time, right around 32 minutes. Eat your heart out Chris Magill.

  2. I love these RR from you, Tang. Because the Tangs always seem to dominate and PR, it brings out the competitor in me, to top people's times!!!

    My goal for 2011? To get in that god damn top 5 for women's 5K!!!!

    And its gonna happen!

  3. Can't wait to train with you guys, especially having a Jack Daniels' disciple.

    I love how Chris Magill is the standard for RI racing.

    As for the 10k (insta-PR), possibly. If you sign up I will at the very least go as a cheerleader/ water boy/ chauffeur.

    Thanks Nikki, I am definitely positive you'll crack the top 5 ( which I arbitrarily made a top 5 and not a top 10)
