Sunday, September 19, 2010


A week ago, I wasn't even planning on running this race... I wanted to keep myself healthy for the half. But since everyone else was doing it, I figured, why not?? I was planning on not pushing it too hard, because I hurt my achilles pretty bad on that last 5k, my goal was really more of a faster tempo run, so I definitely succeeded.

Anyways, we got there wicked early, and I warm-uped multiple times watching all the Kenyans, D-1 Collegiate runners, and other nasty runners to there warm-ups. Whoa, was I intimidated. Once we lined up I was next to these two old gay guys that were just screaming at people, and generally just being annoying. Mostly couldn't wait to ask them how my ass tasted at the end of the race.

Once the race started, it was pretty turrrrible... wayyy too many people. I think I ran that first mile in maybe 9:30, which normally would have been a decent pace for me, but since I was jacked up for the race it felt like a slow walk. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for the race to open up a little but it never did. Initially, I tried to not run around people and just run at there pace and pass when there was an easy opening, but I abandoned that after the first mile. I felt like i was motoring it when that happened, but I still got slowed down every so often... sometimes I had to come to a complete stop.. lame. I kept telling myself, whatever, I don't really care that much about my time in this race, just have some fun.

I finished at 27:01, which is like 45 seconds over my PR. Not bad considering the conditions. I also had already run 20+ miles this week, so I was "running through the race." Mostly cannot wait for the half marathon. I think after that is over, I'm going to gear up for some more speed with some 5k training before embarking on the epic marathon training. Speaking of.... any updates Pat???

Also, I just purchased myself a pair of Lunar Elites, water bottle strap thing that goes on the hand AND some running gloves. When I get into things, I basically try to spend as much money as possible.

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