Sunday, October 7, 2012

James Paquette 5k Race Report

race: James Paquette 5k in Norfolk, MA
weather: humid and 70
goal: PR/ make up for the non-PR 5k last race

Sri, Kevin, Knapp, and I road tripped it all the way to Norfolk (Mass) for the 1st annual 5k at a saloon, featuring Kenny Powers' stunt double. In our hour of wait from 9-10, the cleanest portapotties were dealt with and warm ups began on the road after the walkers left at 9:30.  Delusions of grandeur were abound as the thought of finishing 1,2,3 came about when looking around for males in our age group.  Unfortunately, Kevin's knee would not allow that dream to even toe the line.

We had to be walked a street further down for the starting line.  As the horn went off, it was nice not having to dodge anyone as we toed the line at the front of the pack (pack being a loose term since there was probably tops 50 people (edit: 70)).

Running past the saloon, we received personalized cheers as KOB was our cheerleader today.  GPS watch saves me again as I and everyone else ran way too fast.  The first mile was basically me trying to rein it in and corral myself back to 7 minute pace knowing full well 6:30 pace would kill me.  Knapp caught up as we ran together for a portion of it.  Around 0.9 miles, there was a volunteer spitting out times.  6:30 pace?  Yeah, because it wasn't a mile in yet.

When the dust settled and there was separation, there were two out front and a pack of 3 girls and 1 guy with a knee brace.  The pack went out a bit quick and I was able to catch up to them around the 1.3 mile mark and eventually pass them from 1.5 on.  Once the decision was made, there was an older runner and a guy around my age in front of him and me.

I ate in to the older guy's lead slowly as I was loading up for a final attack on the final 800.  It was important to stay within striking distance since I had no clue where to turn other than having walkers or 8x11 printer paper turns that I'd see on telephone polls upon passing.

Unknowingly, the final mile was mostly downhill so my attack began earlier than anticipated as the course begs for a negative split and gets it.  The final 0.7, we ran by a lady encouraging me to catch the older runner and I was happy to oblige and shout out that I would just for her.

Following the older runner proved fruitful as he had a sixth sense for when to cut the road before traffic.  The final left turn was it as roughly the last 400 was the race.  We were side by side with 200 to go as he told me I couldn't let a 59 year old beat me and I told him he looked 40.  As obedient as I am, I did as I was told by my elders and threw down the afterburners/ gag reflex and finished 9 seconds behind 1st.


Looped back around to cheer on Knapp and Sri but Knapp had already finished before I could:


Shook hands with the older runner and even got an Eamer-style point as he drove away before the ribbon ceremony.

Sri was in a race with the aptly nicknamed Big Bosom runner, as she was boxed in for the race.


To cap it off, breakfast buffet the Ron Swanson way.  Ron Swanson breakfast: at least 6 eggs, 8 pieces of bacon.

An hour after finishing, I heard the words I wanted to when second place was announced:

Ribbon and an additional free shirt, with the likelihood that the saloon had extra shirts from some Olympic watch party (because there are saloons.  There are Olympic watch party t-shirts.  Those two together make sense)

21:27, good enough for my goal of sub 7, 1 second off of being considered an "above average" runner by age-graded standards.  10/20 5k, need to shave off 1 second.

Check out the top 4 PR 5k times; all in Massachusetts.  What's in the water over in Mass?

Believing in karma and Running Gods, I donned the Tang Clan shirt after abandoning it for the last race.  Result? PR

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