Saturday, November 28, 2015

Trot Off Your Turkey 5k

This was to be my first race since ... May? Dang.  Naturally, I was volun-told to run (how many races have I voluntarily signed up for?)  Due to a step back in mileage this year from hamstring issues, going in to this drizzly race initiated my bowels to grumble out of sheer nerves.  My mindset flip-flopped between just going out easy and testing what I had left.  Earlier in the week, I tested the wheels out and was around a 7 minute mile pace on the treadmill for half-mile bursts.  I think 7:15-7:30 was my goal.  With no fan fare, there was one guy going King Leonidas on everyone to pump up the 5k group.  We had chilled around the starting line with ten other runners for most of the beginning, thinking this would be a much larger race.  Then the hoard of runners came ten minutes before the race, everyone saying hi to everyone since it's Rhode Island and everyone is related.

With no gun or a countdown, a horn honked and we all hit our watches on the official chip reader.  Of course the beginning was a bunch of jostling for position until the inevitable sidewalk sprinting happened to get free.

Split down the middle in terms of either going easy or pushing it, I ran the first mile around 7:15 feeling decent.  At least this wasn't a half marathon kept running through my mind to relax myself.

There were a bunch of little kids I used to pace myself; those kids are fast, man.
The course wasn't hilly at all with only a couple turns to maneuver through.  There was one water station mid way but I figured it's just a 5k, keep turning.

The last kilometer.  Like usual, I tried to push the gas pedal but the body wasn't willing.  I made a "move" around the last quarter mile, died in the stretch without the extra gear to go on.  

Overall, pretty pleased with a smart race as I ran around the 7:15-7:30 range.  When I saw my watch dipping towards 7:00, backed off knowing that would not happen. Today.


First race in the new age bracket:
30-39...woah. Looks weird, doesn't it?

Corn chowder.  Donuts.  Pizza.

There are three things you can count on; death, taxes, and Chris Magill at a 5k race in Rhode Island.

Consistent weight lifting, a loose term for what I do in the gym, definitely helped pull me forward towards the end of the race.

Leg days definitely helped, too.

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