Sunday, October 17, 2010

Newport Half Marathon RR

I guess I'm the first to give my RR for the half....

I woke up around 5:30, which was not early enough because we arrived to the starting area with about 3 minutes till race time. This was mostly due to underestimating the amount of traffic and lack of organization by the race peoples. Since all of us had to urinate and defecate before the race, we pretty much ignored the 8am start. Our actually start was at roughly 8:22, just before they picked up the B Tag mats.

I started the race with the mindset that I wanted to run the first 3 or 4 miles at a real easy and controlled pace. Well, as usual, that didn't happen. I ran the first mile (including a pretty large hill) in around 8:50. My "goal pace" was 9:15/9:30/10 for optimistic/happy/realistic projections respectively. So 8:50 was way too fast, and I knew I would burn out. I kept thinking to myself slowwww down, the next mile was about 8:55. I started to hit a nice groove through miles 4-5, when the problems started.

The entire rest of the race I was facing various GI issues. First intense cramping in my stomach which from I thought was from gas, then later something a little more solid. I suppose eating take-out twice yesterday (Chinese and Italian) wasn't the best idea I have ever had. The second problem required me to stop twice at the easily accessible porta-potties. I think I only lost about 2-3 minutes from the stops, and it probably allowed me to keep my pace for longer (so maybe it was a good thing?). Although it pretty much felt like a had a brick in my stomach for most of the race.

Aside from those problems, I felt great. I could easily keep that 9:10 - 9:15 pace for every mile except 3 (2 poops and 1 water stop that I walked a little to drink). It was also nice starting so late because I got to pass like 500 people and I only got passed by 3 or 4 people (huge ego boost). The other great part about the race was the scenery... sweeping ocean views and insane mansions and wind.. lots of it.

There was hardly any crowd support till the very end, when I saw Pat, Greg and Kevin. The last mile was almost all downhill and combined with my music had me feeling about as well as I have ever felt running. I think I could have gone another 4-5 miles at that pace today. Bring it marathon.

Overall, I am pretty pleased about my result... 2:03:33 about 9:26 pace. Although, I know I could have pushed it a little harder and without stops I felt like I could have broke 2 hours today... but there will be other halfs. Next time I will hopefully show more dietary restraint and I will definitely know how to pace myself better.


  1. yea, I definately thought I had jooped about 10 miles in. Really was self-conscious about chocolate on the backside

  2. Knapp!! i am soo impressed with your time!! I was hoping to keep pace with you and you blew me out of the water with under a 9:30 pace!! That is so awesome keep it up and you'll be pwning a full marathon in no time!! - even if you have to joop- they dont add minutes to your time for that...

  3. apparently knapp inspired a fragrance

  4. Starting with the back of the pack...I might have to try that for the race.
