Sunday, September 19, 2010


After the long runs that I have been churning out the past few weeks, I was ready to shatter my 5k PR today and do CVS proud. I had been looking forward to this race all week, although I had to slightly temper my expectations because I knew that there would be an obscene number of people running today.

The team arrived in Prov. this morning about an hour before the race. We wanted time for our traditional pre-race trip to the bathroom and time to warm up before the race began. We did a few jogging laps around the field across from the PPM and some stretching in front of the new camera, showing off our glorious glutes. We lined up for the race about 15 minutes before the gun. In order to get to the 1000's section I got to walk through the entire 2000's section which was pretty awesome. I stepped on everyones feet and walked straight to the front of the line, I felt like a celebrity. Once I did get to my section I had to endure 15 minutes of that annoying British announcer from the Harpoon race and the pledge of allegiance, which I did not remember from 6th grade. Finally the gun sounded and so began the endless fight to get some open space between the thousands of scrub runners that filled the street.

I think the most exhausting thing about a race like this is easily the bobbing and weaving through the crowd and consent fluctuation of speed for the first mile or so. In my attempts to run the best race possible, I tripped at least one other runner and bumped into at least 10 separate people during the course of the race. The weather was definitely hotter than expected and that my have affected me a little as well, but all in all I'd say I ran a pretty great race. I ran the first 2 miles in under 14 minutes, which I was very pleased with. I didn't really get tired until the third mile, where I died especially after the final sprint up the hill on Francis St, right before the finish line. I think as I continue to get used to running longer distances and my endurance gets better and better, my 5k times will continue to drop. Anyway, my final time was 22:06. Time for Boardwalk Empire, KOB out.

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