Sunday, December 12, 2010

Newport 10K RR: Kevin: "We're not talking about poop" Everyone else: "POOP POOP POOP POOP!!!"

Newport 10k can be summed up in one word: TURRRRIBLE!!!

It was cold, rainy, and worst of all super windy. Some of the course repeated what we ran in the half marathon. Read back to when I was talking about how nice it was running next to the ocean because it was such a beautiful day. Today was not a beautiful day, at one point, the wind was so bad that I was giving it everything I had and was only going at a near 12-minute pace...pathetic! So I just said, "fuck this noise" and walked at two different points because it was no use fighting the wind. I even got slapped in the side of the face with some ocean spray...the ocean was like "what up, bittttchhh?! (SLAP)" and I said, "Ow, oh mah GAWD"

So, I was pretty pissed off half way into the race, especially when I walked...disappointing!

The second time I was walking however, Santa passed me and said hello and encouraged me to keep going, so we chatted some and I was able to draft behind santa til the end of the race. There IS a santa claus you guys!!!

I'm pretty disappointed with my time and pace, but whatever...INSTA-PR!! I'll be able to smash my time with the next 10k, as long as the weather doesn't suck.

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