Monday, June 14, 2010

Mission Matty ..... Failed

KOB here, reporting from Nikki's TCRC account. I'm here to give my report on the most recent TCRC RI chapter race, The Matty Siravo 5K for Epilepsy. To summarize the race in one word I would choose, FAIL. I failed on so many levels; I couldn't match my PR, I couldn't predict whether Eamer or Knapp would be victorious, I couldn't tie my shoes properly, I couldn't have a properly functioning left knee and my controversial ultimate goal was not reached. Tang I have failed you.

Well, now I'll give you a play-by-play of what happened during the race, because I'm sure everyone is dying to know. The race began with an inspired version of "Revelry" by some guy with a trumpet. And we were off, the dual air horns blared from my left and my right, I started my iPod shuffle (a necessity for any serious runner), and I began running. I was off to a nice easy start, as I had learned from my previous mistakes at the Cox Road Races. My leisurely start could not prevent the dreaded untied shoe however, and 15 seconds into the race I came to an abrupt stop.

After tying my shoe, I forgot everything I swore not to do and began attempting to compensate for lost time by bobbing and weaving through the crowd. DUMB. I caught up to my fellow racers eventually and passed them all, except for P90X. With about 1 mile remaining in the race, I was passed by a woman who looked like she was my mothers age. This was motivation enough to step up my game and quicken my pase for the remainder of the race, as my poorly selected iPod playlist had failed me to that point. I finished the race at 25 minutes exactly, but I subtracted 10 seconds from that time, due to my shoe-tying fail, giving me a final time of 24:50.

Now for my new contribution to the blog. Recommending indie music, which I will continue doing until the end of time. My playlist for this race included:

1) Real Estate - "Fake Blues" - from Real Estate's self-titled debut and what might be my favorite album of last year, the perfect summer music.
2) Grizzly Bear - "Two Weeks" - now playing at your local CVS Pharmacy = fantastic for me
3) LCD Soundsystem - "All I Want" - probably my favorite song of 2010 to date. It's like a 7 minute David Bowie song.
4) Japandroids - "Younger Us" - another one of my hundreds of songs about the fear of growing up and gettin' all nostalgic about late nights spent drinking with friends.
5) Local Natives - "World News" - A pretty cool song, with an NPR shout out.
6) Sleigh Bells - "Rill Rill" - a song built around an awesome guitar sample and the most low-key song on the band's high powered debut Treats.
7) Dom - "Jesus" - a new buzz band from the lovely town of Worcester, MA

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