Monday, May 16, 2011

Mystic River Herring Run (5K) Recap

On a whim last Wednesday I decided to sign up for a 5k for this weekend and found some save the watershed type thing in Somerville for Sunday which was perfect. I figured I could run the 5k to try and get a PR then do a distance run after since I hadn't trained for the half next week at all.

It was overcast and wet but not raining on Sunday morning when we got to the course. Me and Lauren were rockin our TRC shirts proudly, lookin fresh to def. After a little warm up jog and listing to some guy drone on about saving the watershed it was time to race. There were 300+ people signed up but it looked like there would only be a small group of competitive runners so me and Lauren both went up toward the front. I ended up starting in the 2nd row.

This was my 2nd post high school 5k and it felt a lot better than the first one. I kept up with everyone for the initial sprint and then hit my pace, I went through mile 1 at 6:34, toward the beginning of mile 2 I slowed a little bit but then I caught my 2nd wind. There was this wobbly running girl just ahead of me the whole race up to this point who I knew was too wobbly, too short and too female to stay ahead of me for good, but she kept passing me again as soon as I passed her, then around the 2 mile mark I blew past her for good. Finished off mile 2 at 6:47.

I had to kick it up for mile 3 to get my post high school PR. The good thing about being in shape for distance was that I felt stronger every step of the way, the bad part is that I didn't have the speed I used to have. I looked at my watch at 2.60 and I was at 17:41 which made me say holy moley, I need to kick it up! So I took off and pretty much went full speed till the mile 3 marker then went 100% full speed for the last .1, I finished up in 14th place at 20:35, beating my previous PR by a solid 13 seconds.

I then ran back about a quarter mile to cheer on Laur and she came rolling through looking strong, she blew past a few people and finished up beating her PR by over a minute!

Good day at the races.

I then decided to run 10 miles to get some mileage in for the half next Saturday. I did it at an overall 8:44 pace, and my legs got a little sore around 8 miles which doesn't give me too much hope for a PR on Saturday, but I'm gonna bank on the slowness being due to the 5k.

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