Sunday, November 14, 2010

Great Success at the Turkey Trot 5k: RR

You know its a good day when a Quad-PR occurs.

Thats right!
All of us got our PR this morning at the Turkey Trot 5k in the lovely suburban town of Norwell, Mass.

It was all a little too hard to believe - that all of us PR'd, shaving off at least 1.5 minutes from our previous times, so we thought that perhaps this 5k was a little shorter than usual. So, when Knapp's forerunner watch finally got a signal, we all decided to RE-WALK the course to get some peace of mind to see if we actually did the whole 3.1 and got an actual PR. Turned out to be 3.1 mi. exactly, so our times were valid. YES!
It was actually nice, re-tracing our steps and checking out the kick-ass houses in Norwell. I'd def. get a house there if I had the dinero!

I'm sure I'm going to repeat a lot of things that Kevin and Knapp said in their RR's, so I'll make this short.

The course was decent, not very scenic...just the burbs, but nice none-the-less. There was one semi-big downhill and uphill (but not that steep). Went 1.5 mi one way and then we looped back, which I always like doing because I get to see the guys and get awesome high-fives.

My official time was 28:56, but I remember passing the clock at 28:55, and I'm shaving an extra 2 seconds off that because I started about 2 seconds behind the starting line :). So, according to me, I ran a 28:53. Definitely happy about my time, but there's always room for improvement!

I'm very happy that everyone PR'd and Kevin actually got 1st place in his age group! GO KEV!


  1. Awesome time, can't wait to run with the Quad-Norwell City PRs. (Play on the classic Quad City DJs responsible for the Space Jam theme song.

  2. Ohhhh ok ok ok, I'll take the official time, but I know the truth! :P

    Tang - love the reference! :P
