Monday, October 13, 2014

Hartford Half Marathon Round 2

Heidi "Are they going to cancel the race if it rains?"
Aaron :typical Aaron facial response to incredulous statement:

As the great Amazing Race of a weekend began, I ran from work to Ruggles to catch the train to Providence to be picked up by Rhode Island Hospital crew, as half of the car has left RIH.  As we made our way in record time to Hartford, the GPS by way of iPhone died 2 miles before our destination.  In a car with a charger.

As we arrived all within ten minutes of each other, it was time to eat only the healthiest before a race; wolf down pizza (yeah, Aaron Tang ate pizza) and Gregg's carrot cake.  Once the food baby remorse began, we laughed over the 8x11 picture of my license used to pick up my bib and packet (because there's rampant robbing of packets?).  We also introduced Brian to the world of Snapchat, having our own twenty-first century version of a fireside chat, with "tooting" and stereotypes drawn in on pictures of us.

It was nice of 3 Rhodies to come say hi to everyone and leave before midnight.  The downside being no Without Limits and getting 5 hours of sleep.

In my second year of this growing tradition, the Waldron ride to the race was overcome with typical locker room talk whenever four males joke around.  Whatever was discussed, the most important word to come about from the meeting of the minds is "crotch rot", apparently a term from yesteryear that needs to be brought back.

An hour to go before the race, I had to see a man about a horse to drop off all the pizza and carrot cake I ate.  Thankfully as my Dad pointed out, lines are all the rage and I as a keen observer walked to the side of the portapotties with no one waiting.    

Oh, did I mention it was raining and in the high 30s, low 40s?  Froze my butt off with my signature Tang running shirt.  In the clutch, I kept on my Rangers hat to shield my eyes from the rain and my Nike Gloves and Honey Stinger, to hopefully avenge last year's dropped glove (RIP first Nike glove).

My mindset was honestly to enjoy this as much as I can.  1:50, ok by me.  The first mile per usual was at a crawl at 8:27, and it hit me all at once.   My iPod cycled through Temples' album and a song Dan introduced me to and my mind clicked in. Talking to Pritesh, I had the revelation to be here, now, in the present enjoying this race.  Through a couple yoga sessions, my breathing improved and I was relaxed. And whenever the slightest incline or hill popped up, I channeled Knapp.  For the first time, I looked ahead during most of the course and I do not really remember the runners around me, instead running from group to group.

Fluids.  The second water stop almost was a trap as a kid had a white cup with Gatorade to which I tossed out of eyeshot to not hurt the kid's feelings and to not hurt my gut.  At the next one I tried a hook shot in honor of Dirk trying to add that to his repertoire.  Like Dirk, still not ready for primetime.

Despite running tangents I had traversed .08 mile more early and ended .13 mile over 13.1.

At mile 5, I saw Brian and ran together for a quarter before he had to drop due to his insane marathon and sub 6 5k he ran within the month.

At the halfway point I pulled out my Honey Stinger packet and was semi-surprised that the honey crystallized.

Like always, if I feel great I just wanted to get to mile 10 and see what I had left for the final 5k.  I kept calculating times and grew more optimistic as 1:45 was within reach.

The last miles didn't have afterburners but 1:45 was in the bag as my fellow runners and I puddle pointed to let runners behind us know.

1:43:32.  Not really much of a gag reflex.

Brian's Dad per tradition waxed poetic about past athletic achievements as the two Boston hopefuls in their family walked ahead.

After race meal?  Tried Korean barbeque for the first time.

My core was sore, legs were fine. It wasn't until that night that I awoke to killer left calf cramps.

My first driver of the day noted that the weather this weekend was great but rained JUST during the race.

Ran the final 5k of the race sans iPod. Didn't miss music that much.

While at Park City Cafe, I lamented over the fact I left my phone at Brian's while they had a Baptism.  Moping over chocolate milk, I get a tap on the shoulder and who should be there? Brian with my cell.  Oh and the cousin of two fellow first time runners let me borrow an Iceland travel guide for my trip next month to Iceland.

Sweet swag, one of the best shirts I have gotten in a while.

TMI: I don't sweat often so I knew with the constant rain, there'd be a chance of chafing. Yup.  If it was  a full, would've been full blown Andy Bernard.

For next time, bring nip tape.

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