Saturday, September 11, 2010

Toped 10

It been a while since I decided to write a blog entry, mostly because I just don't think of myself as a very good writer. But a lot has happened in the time since my last entry, following the Bristol 5k, so I decided it was time for a new entry. I'm going to take a page out of Tang's book here, by writing about things and numbering those things

I. Butterfly 5k

Knapp's post from a week ago was pretty much spot on in every aspect. I spent the night before the race up in Boston, at Pat and Lauren's. After we left the Dueling Piano bar (which I think I would have enjoyed a lot more if I was as drunk as everyone else) we caught a cab ride home with a lovely gentleman, who spent the cab ride talking to himself and singing "This is How we do it" by Montel Jordan (not the whole song, just the "this is how we do it" part over and OVER again). Before Nikki and I arrived back at my car, our cab driver asked us why we were leaving the bar so early and I explained that I was running a race tomorrow and I needed my rest. The cab driver wished me luck and we were on our way.

The day of the race I woke up to the rain pounding on the roof of our apartment building at like 8:30. I went out to living room to tell Sean and Knapp that I "didn't feeling like getting wet for half an hour." As many of my friends know, I succumb to peer pressure very easily and with few seconds of prodding from Knapp and Sean, I got my short shorts and tech shirt on and we were off.

After I agreed to do the race I was pretty excited about the promises of course that was all downhill. LIES!!! The first mile was pretty much a free fall, but after that mile (which I ran in 6:14) it was pretty much all incline. The rain once again killed my iPod, so I needed to rely on my inner dialogue and a surprise visit from Chris Federico (who finish a little under a minute ahead of me) to motivate me. I finished the race officially in 22:54, but i think you can shave at least 10 seconds off that, because we started so far back in the pack.

After the race I was soaked, but I felt great, because I had PR'd for the second time in 2 weeks and a got a beautiful medal with a butterfly on it. My inability to resist peer pressure has finally payed off.

II. The Return to Blackstone

Last weekend, Sean, Knapp and I ventured to the Club birthplace, the old stomping grounds, Blackstone. We started and finished the run at Blackstone, taking a few detours along the way. Knapp had mapped out a route, using his keen cartography skills. We complete failed to follow this route. We did however eventually hit all the hot spots, India Point Park, Hope St and an epic run up College Hill. The run really brought me back to the infancy of the TCRC and our early runs in Providence and it also made me think about how far the Clan has come.

Since Tang forged us all together, back beginning of the year, with hopes of running a 5k together before we all parted and went our separate ways, I never could have imagined we all would have come this far. We are now preparing for our first half marathon and many of us are going to be running a marathon next year. The blog is updated regularly by people scattered all across the country. We've even branched out into literature and film.

I'd like to congratulate everyone on what we've been able to do, especially T-Bone. Since I personally have begun running, I have dropped over 20 pounds and I am now able to run 10 miles pretty comfortably. That bring me to ...

III. Ten Miles plus

Today Nikki and I set out to run 10 miles in preparation for the half marathon in October. I knew what my goal was going into the run. After my 7 mile run on Wednesday, I knew that I wanted to shave at least 10 minutes off my time from the Fleet race. I actually wound up running close to 10.7 miles according to runningahead, because there was no marker at my fifth mile. After I felt like a had run way more than 5 miles, I just turned back, for and epic second half of the run, which I actually ran faster than the first half. I finished the run at 1:28:15, which I was very pleased with and I think puts me in great shape for the half.

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