Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cherry Tree/Navigant Half Marathon Part Deux

Going in to the 2nd annual race, there were a couple things already to consider:
1) The race would be a non-team race since we didn't get 3 signed up in time
2) I would be racing for my pride against a co-worker's mother. A lose-tie situation no 26 year old male wants to find himself in.

The packet pick-up would be fruitful as the Sri and Knapp duo picked me up to hit up Geoff's hipsterific sandwich shop on the east side then off to the friendly confines of the new (but barren) Rhode Runner. Good news: the shirts this year are wearable.
Bad news: they are a mix of OKC Thunder colors and a futuristic/TRON sporting team.

The pre-race tradition:
Pre movie + Fire on the Track + youtube vids of running commercials, Kara Goucher vids
toilet paper utility belt assembly
bib pinned on
charged GPS watch
playlist (bonus: the whole list is 1:45:01)
reading past race reports as motivation

Morning of:

Jess picked me up as I had my racing gear in a bag, elementary school style as I sat on the curb after 6 hours of sleep. We met Knapp at the Apex building (what's actually in it?) and we were on familiar ground around 7:15. As I sported a Plano XC shirt, a fellow Texan recognized it while we were in the short line for the portapotties. I sat in my plastic throne for a while as I have been doing for this past month due to lack of sleep and overall GI issues. Due to these extenuating circumstances, I approached this race with apprehensiveness and maybe it's the experience talking but I kept my emotions in check.

As 8 drew closer, the lines for the johns were ... still not that long (the race was actually smaller than last year). The same English emcee was back, sarcastically commentating on inspirational songs per usual.

We lined up correctly this time in the middle of the pack so as not to get passed by everyone. Coincidentally, U2's "Beautiful Day" was my 1st song and the song that was on at the starting line. We started right on time and circled downtown Pawtucket in usual adrenaline inducing fashion as I had to force myself to pump the brakes. The GPS watch definitely corralled me to stay within my designated 8 minute pace.


I saw Knapp at the turn around around mile 3 (where I saw Pat and KOB last year) and got another shot of adrenaline after seeing a teammate and little did I know, I was buzzing around 7 minute pace so I had to dial it back. Most of this race found me within a pack of roughly 10 older runners who paced decently. There was a blonde woman whom I wanted to ask the whole time if she was my co-worker's mother since she and I traded who was ahead of one another.

I took every water station along the way and even saw a Texas Rangers shirt on a volunteer. What Mr. King of the Hill aka Knapp and I do agree upon were that there were quite a few hills in the 3-6 mile range (with my splits above as evidence). We swear we ran the same race last year but it definitely hit us harder what with the cloudless sun making a rare yet unwelcome appearance.

Since I was sporting a black cotton Plano shirt (the horror) I had to hold on to it after popping it off Baywatch style mid-run around mile 5 until I saw our friends at the halfway point so I tossed it near Nikki and Sri around the bridge near Ashton Mills in dramatic fashion.
Running through the all too familiar bikepath put me at ease. I tried to trick my brain over and over in to thinking I just started and that I just warmed up for 7.5 miles. From mile 7.5-10, I kept telling myself to stay around 8:15 pace and see what I had in the tank for 10-13.1. At this point, I should have known a finishing kick for 5k was absurd as I have rarely had one for anything past a 5k race.

When I hit mile 10 faster than my 10 mile PR, I realized I would have to tack on a faster 5k than my PR for a shot at sub 1:45. Even chasing KOB's ghost time of 1:46 would be tough. Note to self: work on speed for the marathon.

So I held on for dear life while the sun kept rearing its ugly head. Following has its advantages as I was able to watch the runners ahead of me hunt for shade as I simply followed their trails. For once, I never really had to fight the urge to walk (instead fighting the urge to gag early and often).
Crowd support (Pat, Sri, Lauren, and Nikki) came up big and I hammed it up as I cranked it up to race a guy in the final .1 mile. As we threw the hammer down, the English emcee said something to the effect that we weren't going to win but my ears lost focus as everything went in to the chute. Lost it this time as I pulled out the final kick too soon but thanked him for turning it in to somewhat of a race.
Went back along the race and cheered on Knapp, my co-worker David, and Jess. Unfortunately my black shirt was soaked/in Sri's car so Knapp and I wore Pat Henderson hand me downs (and passed on Serra's risque shirt).
Per tradition, this cast of friends went over to Modern Diner to dine on breakfast post-race to discuss upcoming weddings (what?) and watch me sleep before work. I actually ordered a Tom Pesto Mozz omelette correctly and we fell victim to not having cash on us because one day we'll learn they don't take credit cards. All in all, the usual.

By the numbers:
1:47:27.8. PR but still a minute off of KOB's PR. However, I did beat my co-worker's mother.
1:58:37.7 Knapp
2:09:51.6 Ouellette

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