Saturday, September 4, 2010

Long Run and 5k

This will be a dual post. First I'll go over our long run from today and second I'll recap the 5k we ran a couple weeks ago.

Today Sean, Kevin, and myself decided to hit up blackstone for our long run. Don't want to make you too jealous Tang. We started at the usually starting spot, and the goal was to run down Angell and Gano to go down to India Point Park and then go down south Main up college hill then down Thayer then Hope to the end where it meets with Blackstone, then run down Blackstone.

Due to me leading the group we naturally got a little lost, instead of hitting India Point directly we took a slight detour. We ran down to that random desolate water place on the other side of Blackstone that we ran to by accident a couple times. All in all it was going pretty smooth for the first few miles, except Kevin was pushing the pace a little hard for me and Sean...and there were numerous hills.

Once we hit South Main, at probably about mile 4, we were all a little winded and decided to walk a little (pathetic, I know). So we walked up to College Hill then ran up that. What in the hell were we thinking. Although as brutal as that was, I realized I do like running up hills, I love that burn you get in your legs.

It was a hot day and we were all parched so we ended up walking to CVS where Nikki was working and she graciously purchased some 'ades for us. Foolishly I downed the 32 oz'er in about 5 minutes, and then we decided to start running again. It was so nice to run back on blackstone, its truly a perfect place to run. As I was running, a tree fell straight down on someone's car, which was pretty epic.

I realized on that stretch on blackstone, how much more fit I am compared to the last time I ran blackstone. Even though I felt like I was going to throw up from the Gatorade the whole time, I was surprised by how much juice I had.

Butterfly 5k
During the run, Sean mentioned he was dissapointed that we never did an RR for this 5k and Tang was slacking on not updating our PR's. Christtttt Tang you are telling me you don't study our running charts? Anyways we picked the 5k because it said that it was an overall downhill 5k (total crap).

It was in North Attleboro, so real close in a slight rain. I was yelling at Kevin at 9 or so, trying to get him going. It was raining outside, so Kevin decided he didn't want to run...are you kidding me? Fortunately, Kevin is the easiest person in the world to convince to do something he doesn't want to do.

The 5k opened up on a nice downhill stretch, including some pretty steep downhill portions, that I was nervous about slipping down due to the wet conditions. I went out way too fast, because I thought the whole thing was downhill for some reason. I did the first mile in about 7:15. Once that mile ended it was an uphill onslaught for the rest of the race. I think the entire 2nd mile was uphill. It was so brutal and I mis-paced myself so much that I had to walk near the end of the 2nd mile.

Even though I had to walk for about a total of a minute, I still ended up PR'ing by about 10 seconds.... there was no way that that race was overall downhill. The one downside to the race was it has given my some pretty bad Achilles Tendonitis, that I have been battling with for the past couple weeks. I took a few days off last week, and it seemed to help. It still hurts fairly bad every run though. Any tips Tang?

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