Saturday, July 31, 2010

Children's Charities 5k Run or Freaky Friday Part 2: Saturday Edition

Photos courtesy of Heather's iPhone.
Dad's pic may contend with Nikki's thumbs up picture at the Providence 5k as the happiest anyone has looked during a race.

The night before, we had a lovely family dinner at Olive Garden because (contrived family member meeting via commercial), I was carded for beer yet at the same time handed the check and a mild heart attack due to the butter that doubled as breadsticks. Sidelined by injury, Heather and I went to the race to support the parents at the race because sometimes for Heather and myself, it's so tough to go to all your parents' games when you are grinding away at the office 9-5 every day.

On the way to the race, we saw a lady in a van with handcuffs as her rearview mirror accessory of choice. I guess they ran out of the usual lei or high school tassels.

Since Heather and I were in street clothes, we made sure the 3 (JoAnn, Lisa, John) got to the starting line on time, carried water bottles, and took candids of the racers.

The race, while sporting less runners, was stacked in all age groups (minus my group in which no one ran. Couldn't run to my best so that award would've been empty)

Lauren, sorry but you have been bumped down 2 spots, (Andrea and Jess, 1 spot) making the women's 5k records that much tougher to crack thanks to Lisa PR'ing and JoAnn tacking on the first team run. Top 5 women 5k records have a difference of 2:40. Guys? 4:29. Guys, pick it up.

John Tang 25:47.07 (half: 12:37)
JoAnn Wood 27:37.4 (half: 13:31)
Lisa Tang 27:58.69 (half: 13:30)

There won't be any more PRs/ moving up the charts for the 5k from the Texas bunch until November 27th due to half marathon training.

Funniest image: A little ginger baby with a bib that blanketed him, ran while waving at birds.

Worst image: After one of the guys finished, he threw up. For 1, college flash backed. 2, disgusting.

sign of the times: pre-race, the organizers announce that the Plano Pacers Running Club has a facebook group.

Thought of the year: half marathon runners in Newport take on the half marathon runners in Dallas. Losers buy the winners something from their region, kinda like mayors before the Super Bowl.

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