Saturday, October 20, 2012

Free to Breathe 5k Race Report

Funk Bustin'

This had to be the worst prepared pre-race mindset I have ever had for a race.  No youtube videos to pump me up, no Pre montages, didn't even know if I wanted to sport the Nike Lunaracers because, well, if you sport those, you need to be at your best.  Hadn't run in a week due to sore hamstrings and quads that were screaming from volleyball that started Tuesday night.  This all happened to fall on a hectic personal and work week that is all wedged in to marathon training.

The usual dream of missing the race came up and as I was awoken by the heavy rain at 2 A.M., (THAT heavy, that Aaron Tang woke up)I was so sure I missed the race and felt relieved.

And this next part is why I love running.

Wake up to a dreary Saturday and head on over to Roger Williams Park (which I should run through more, it's actually pretty nice) early to pick up a bib and pins, shirt, and wrist band.  Meet up the Cabrals, Jimmy, Souksanh and Souksanh's sister beforehand.  As we killed time before the race, we walked around and I am now aware that there is definitely a working carousel in the park.  We climbed up a muddy hill to what we thought was the starting line (sorry Lunaracers, you're not my most pristine pair any more) and warmed up to what we thought was a 10:15 start time.

10:30 rolls around, sun finally peaking through with my friend, Mr. Humidity, and the legit looking runners appear out of nowhere up at the front of the line, with me tucked in right behind.  The timer guy (had "TIMER" on his shirt) drove in his car and honked once for the "gun" time and then wailed on it to let us know for sure it was the start.

As usual, the beginning started way too fast as I tried to keep up with the lead pack (rookie mistake).  The first 3 finishers disappeared immediately as I tried to stay within the second lead pack.  I gently floated back to 7 minute pace as I knew that that was where I needed to be.

The mile marker was a bit early again as it had 6:4x.  Slowly, people started dropping like flies due to the slick (dangerous) rolling hills and humidity.  No offense but I had to pass the guy who was running a 5k with a water bottle belt.

Even though I kept climbing the ranks, there was this one upstart blaring his iPod zooming by in Minimus's which proved to be costly since he had to re-tie them twice.

All that stood in front of me was an older runner, a female runner, and cars driving by us.  Yeah, they didn't close off the roads so running the tangents was interesting.  Good thing I am a veteran of doing this running Providence streets.

The older runner pulled something and had to stop around mile 2.  Even though I knew there were some runners out of my sight, I thought the race was down to me and a pumped up female runner.  The first part of the race chopped my finishing kick in half and I was left to hold on as the battle of the sexes was won by the fairer sex on this day.

Towards the end of the race, we were coming towards the starting line and familiar territory.  As I chased down the female runner in futility, she looked back knowing she had this all day with less than a quarter mile to go.  On the left turn going downhill towards the finish line, I had lost sight of her and was a bit worried I made a wrong turn but was relieved as people cheered me on and one of the top 3 congratulated me as I had mustered enough to kick it up a gear for the final 200.


Unofficially ( since I have 3.02 miles on my Garmin) age and gender graded at 70.7, considered an 'above average' runner.  SOOOO pumped about reaching that goal.  All that's left is sub 1:45 13.1 and sub 4 26.2.  And then I can retire?

Per Pat protocol, I looped back to cheer on everyone as they came in.  Sarah beat Kevin by a millisecond for those wondering at home; their times were a bit slower since they pumped the brakes for an autistic kid that was finishing the race and even clapped him in.  The running gods will be handing out karma points to them on their next race.

The finishing times came out quick this time and I saw my name as #5 and was so happy about that that I didn't even confirm my time.

The awards ceremony commenced and I came behind the #1 female at 20:4x, :bows down:.

I received 2nd in my age group of 20-29 and had my name pronounced correctly this time.

Two 2nd place finishes.  In Without Limits, Pre says "Is there anything worse than finishing 2nd?".  Not really when I can produce back-to-back PRs.  Most importantly, this broke me out of my week long funk.  Yes, this was a personal funk buster.

New post-5k staple songs:

Cotton Eyed Joe

Call Me, Maybe

Gangnam Style

2012 races: If it is A race day, then it is the hottest, most humid day of the week.

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