Saturday, September 7, 2013

North Kingstown 5k

Carousel of shifts the past 2 weeks (1st to 2nd to 3rd to 1st to 2nd... to 1st) and G.I. issues hampering me but let us get down to brass tax.

Today was a travesty.  Mentally wasn't there, just the hobby jogger's equivalent of picking up a paycheck.

Woke up after a dream of missing the race and not caring.

Never felt comfortable, going solo to a race which is unheard of since my first 5k in Virginia Beach.

At 0.3 mile in, my mouth dried up and hydration came up as an issue.  Had to take the water stations at mile 1 and 2 (What?!?) I tried to hold on to 6:40 pace, ended up with 6:45 and a bit under 7.

Let go of the pedal at mile 2 (in)voluntarily.

Checked out mentally, and 7:22'ed it in on the last mile.

No dramatic finish at the end as I held on with no one in sight (looked back multiple times) and squinted to see 21:xx approaching the left turn...


So pissed, ran and lifted when I got back from NK.

CVS 5k in two weeks, see ya there.

Of note, they upgraded to chipped timing, throwing out my notion of starting at the front of the pack.

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