Friday, December 24, 2010

Week before 2011

Youtube Videos
Long Run
no dog poo but...
Treadmill Pro's

from forum:

After watching the running parts of the movie, Endurance (Haile, best long distance runner of all time), I had to download Theodros Tadesse's "The Final Race" at all costs, even if it meant recording it off of myspace. This song on a loop coupled with the fact that I have a keyless entry in my Nike glove so I can wave my palm over the door to open it like a Jedi = great long runs in Providence. (longest run-on statement)

Knapp (and any other runner's seeking mp3s)->link to the song, albeit shoddy recording on my computer of a myspace song

And despite avoiding the usual hazing of running new shoes through dog poop, I spit in the general direction of my Pegasus' after getting to Blackstone on its second run and it lands square on the left shoe.

Fortunately, I can use a treadmill after the Blizzard of '10, since the roads will be covered for ... the next 4 months? Either way, I still had to go to work today since it is not elementary school in Texas and an inch of snow would cancel it.

I apologize for the lack of posts due to not having access to the internet in my apartment until the 8th (a whole month without the internet...) so I have been borrowing wifi from the lobby.

Finally, as 2011 forces its way to us (2011?!? wow) I figured I would share my goals/ resolutions for the upcoming running year, in no particular order:
1k miles for 2011
PR half
PR 5k
marathon??? (dependent on the first 3)

p.s., do I shoot for an arbitrary 100 mile month in December by running 4.6 miles for the next 4 days?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Week

Prov, Races, X-mas

The Adventures of Knapp and Tang through Prov

With Knapp starting up his marathon training and I just tagging along for my new hobby, furniture hunting on the run, (while breaking in my new double Pegasus, which is less popular than double rainbows) we ran a long run down India Point where two legit female runners may have read the Pre quote on the back of my shirt for inspiration to burn us. And burn us they did.

Half way through, Knapp was parched and I was in need of a restroom (Plano, you spoiled me with public restrooms). Why not kill two birds with one stone and check in with teammate Nikki at the CVS? Finally, lugging around a bit of money in my gloves paid off. What was odd was the pharm tech escort to the warehouse/bathroom.

And the exclamation of "Tang needs to go to the bathroom" in the pharmacy.

Rejuvenated, we hit Blackstone and mixed in some walking through the city (with a target on my Coach Tang shirt, since I was challenged to a race by a middle school kid) and all the way back to Grant Mill. Unfortunately, I can not solve that metatarsalgia problem.

If you were looking for some upcoming races to register for [SEAN], look no further:
Worcester Half March
small race called the Boston Marathon mid April
Providence Half early May

Better than an official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle? Stolen from Runner's World:

Monday, December 13, 2010

BAA Making changes

I wonder if this will change the qualifying times to make them more or less attainable

Christmas 10k Race Results

Place Div/Tot Name City St Ag S Time Pace
===== ======== ===================== =============== == == = ======= =====
74 19/52 Henderson Pat Boston MA 24 M 46:35 7:30
97 27/52 O'BRIEN KEVIN CUMBERLAND RI 24 M 47:51 7:43
142 36/52 Knapp Andrew Cumberland RI 24 M 51:42 8:20
305 46/52 BOISVERT SEAN LINCOLN RI 24 M 1:03:59 10:18
328 79/99 HILLIARD NICOLE WAKEFIELD RI 24 F 1:06:24 10:42

My race recap:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Coach's Observations

Since I did not run the Newport 10 k today, I was left as soccer mom/photographer/ spectator at Rogers High School.

couple of observations:
-team (Henderson O'Brien Knapp Boisvert Hlliard) watching Without Limits pre-race, epic
-windy, rain, hills + Tangsgiving food coma = toughest 10k insta PR
-pace car had antlers (there's a pace car for a small race?)
-Kevin freaking out at a Garmin watch...priceless
-while less pressure to spectate, I definitely wanted to run had I had functioning forefeet.
-Andrew Knapp, Club: Tang, here

feel free to use the pics for your RRs:

Newport 10K RR: Kevin: "We're not talking about poop" Everyone else: "POOP POOP POOP POOP!!!"

Newport 10k can be summed up in one word: TURRRRIBLE!!!

It was cold, rainy, and worst of all super windy. Some of the course repeated what we ran in the half marathon. Read back to when I was talking about how nice it was running next to the ocean because it was such a beautiful day. Today was not a beautiful day, at one point, the wind was so bad that I was giving it everything I had and was only going at a near 12-minute pace...pathetic! So I just said, "fuck this noise" and walked at two different points because it was no use fighting the wind. I even got slapped in the side of the face with some ocean spray...the ocean was like "what up, bittttchhh?! (SLAP)" and I said, "Ow, oh mah GAWD"

So, I was pretty pissed off half way into the race, especially when I walked...disappointing!

The second time I was walking however, Santa passed me and said hello and encouraged me to keep going, so we chatted some and I was able to draft behind santa til the end of the race. There IS a santa claus you guys!!!

I'm pretty disappointed with my time and pace, but whatever...INSTA-PR!! I'll be able to smash my time with the next 10k, as long as the weather doesn't suck.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jingle 5k Race Report

Keeping this short and sweet...

Soooo I haven't posted anything in forever. Honestly, I haven't been running as much as I would like to lately. I am averaging maybe 1 to 2 times a week. I really need to step up my game.

However, yesterday was the Providence Downtown Jingle 5K. I ran it with barely any training for it whatsoever. I did not expect to get under 30 minutes. When the run started I was in my normal "game-time" zone and ended up pushing through crowds of people. There weren't as many people at this one compared to the CVS 5K but there were still a good amount of people. I was really impressed with the turnout.

It was a bit chilly! A whopping 30-something degree day. I was definitely bundled up in pants, two long-sleeve shirts, a vest, gloves, and a hat. And, needless to say, there weren't that many people on the sidelines cheering us along on the way. Anywho.. I ended the race with my best chip time yet, 26:46 ---> TANG: time to update my ranking!! :-) It must have been the cold weather or maybe all the jingle bells! Haha, we were given jingle bells to wear while running... people had them around their wrists, ankles, necks, etc... it was a fun run!

I was surprised with my outcome and I am motivated to continue training throughout the winter now... hopefully. I want to begin training for another half-marathon soon. I gave myself 12 weeks last time, I think conditioning through the winter right now will be helpful, then getting hardcore into training again sometime in February-March. The next half-marathon will most likely be the COX Providence Rhode Races in May... We did the 5k in 2010, let's do the half in 2011! Sunday, May 1, 2011 watch out! The TCRC will dominate :-)

Long time no post as well

I haven’t posted in a long time because I haven’t ran in a long time haha, since the half I ran once with Knapp, KOB, Tang and Sean and once last week for 3 miles. Seeing that the 10k is less than a week away I decided I better get my ass in gear, so I put in 6.5 yesterday, it went alright, pretty much how you’d expect a run to go when you haven’t run in a while, some ups and downs, I’ve got some work to do between now and Sunday. I’m planning on putting in 7 tonight, nothing on Tues or Weds due to my bball game then the Rhody bball game, Thurs picking it back up with 7 or 8, another 6 on Friday and resting on Saturday, will it work? Who knows haha, but the good thing is I’ve never run a 10k before so however I do it’ll be a PR.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Long time, no post


-I haven't posted in a while because I was relocating to ... [The Decision] ... Rhode Island. It's official.

-FYI: Just because someone has a Runner's World magazine on a plane does not mean they are a runner. Do not start off with "so you're a runner, too?..."

-10K in Newport this Sunday, which I will be able to go as a Soccer mom/ coach. Any one down to run with the team, hit us up. After 6 miles on the treadmill, I know this off-season is going to include lots of LSDs (long slow distances)

-Providence Cox half-marathon in May, 50 bucks. Mom's flying up and running it aka I am also now running it. Anyone else interested?

-Moving in has really left running out in the cold, so hopefully after this week, I can get settled in and begin training for the half.