Wednesday, March 21, 2012

While running during a picture perfect day for Texas (aka 65% of RI days), I can check off another running happening:
bird poop on my sleeve

Looking at my log and the scales, it appears this 3 week hiatus from work was not only one from work itself but also running. I have definitely underestimated the mental and physical pounding marathon training has on me. But...yeah, yeah, I think I am ready to get back to it. East Bay should be opening up soon and I'll have to flip the switch back on and attack a sub 4 marathon time.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


As I settle back in to my Plano soccer mom mentality after a couple days back, it's like deja vu all over again:
Air Quality goes to Providence
Friendliness goes to Plano
Mosquitoes...definitely in Plano
Water fountains and bathrooms go to Plano

I am shocked as to how long it has taken to get my legs back since the marathon. I feel as though I am still sitting on 6.5 miles then I am out of gas.

As I woke up at 7(AM), I got caught in a down pour. As I passed a couple runners with dogs, it occurs to me mid-wave and "Morning!" yell that running is a lot like life; as long as someone else out there is going through what your going through, it's not that bad. If anything, comedic.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pre-Texas Holiday

For a guy who never liked to run the mile in school, just hit 3,000 on the odometer since 2009. [insert lame 'Time for an oil change' quip]

Redeem Team, consisting of verbal hand shakes:

2012 Philly Marathon.

Now if only I could get back in to running consistently.