Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's business time

With a blink of an eye, it's April and the Miami Marathon is 2 months past. Thanks to being awoken by Pat and Jess's friendly nudges, it's time to get ready (aka sign up) for the Cherry Blossom half or whatever random name they've slapped on to it. Philly Marathon, see ya in November. Definitely need to get back in to the swing of things and what better way than a 12 miler with Mr. Knapp in Cumberland. Looks like the team this year to defend the title will be:
Kevin (if he signs up/ gets out of work)
Tang (if he signs up/ gets out of work)

I'm just hoping this time around, the shirts are a color that is identifiable in the ROYGBIV arena. (Still haven't worn last year's tech tee)

Off-topic, here's my gentle jab at crossfit by Kenny Powers, knowing full well running is exercise,