Sunday, December 30, 2012

Trail running in the snow

After a mild dusting that cancelled pre-planned weekend shenanigans, it would only make sense to run on a trail I've never traversed sans snow.  So there we were in Lincoln Woods at 9 AM, understandably misunderstood by the plowmen as they told us to come back in half an hour when the trails would be plowed.  Don't worry, said the runners in breathable shoes, ankle socks, and shorts and a golden retriever to boot.  After high kneeing it uphill in snow, it became apparent that:
A) We should have listened to the plowmen
B) I am not ready for the Polar Bear Plunge come New Year's Day
C) Ice skating in rental skates half a size too small that qualified for AARP membership definitely does not help your feet

It definitely is nice to mix up locales since at this point I could run Providence blind folded.

Spotted: a team of runners exchanging a sledgehammer "for extra weight", when asked.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Devotion Deion and Da Future

I decided to go for a 'long' 7 miler around Providence on Christmas Eve.  I was greeted by an old lady and her dog and all I heard her utter while looking on was "devotion".  It's not so much devotion as me chasing everyone's times.

Stopped in to my local CVS to say hey to Nikki.

The end of my run featured a gentleman running a block with me before he high stepped it like Prime Time.

So as we head towards 2013, remember one thing: the gym is going to be PACKED come January 1st.