Thursday, February 28, 2013

checking in

As I finally received my 1st issue of Runner's World via snail mail, one thing came to mind: the cover's different. Oh, and it definitely feels like it's "greener" aka cheaper paper.

It should come as no surprise (since my running log is public) that I have been ramping up mileage.  During this phase or whenever I get my base up, it reminds me of Cool Runnings (specifically their bobsled) which had its limits tested and then the shoddy sled fell apart.  I'm at the part where they zoom in on the nuts and bolts shaking loose (not a euphemism).

Chicago Marathon: to update everyone else, Knapp and I tried signing up as soon as the noon central standard start time approached and went with what has been the worst experience for signing up yet.  The site crashed for hours then shut down indefinitely.  Somehow, 30k runners snuck in meaning 15k spots left., you are the Ticketmaster of runners.  Keep in mind, I have taken my head out of my butt and had to share this:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Upcoming races

To get us out on the road (or after the impending megastorm, treadmill), there are some races Knapp has suggested:

St Patrick's 5k in Providence on 3/9 (31 days away)

Pawtucket Half Marathon in Providence on 5/5 (88 days away)

Chicago Marathon on 10/13 (248 days away)