Saturday, April 20, 2013

2 weeks to go

That's right ladies and gentlemen, a fortnight until the 3rd annual half marathon in Pawtucket.  As with every future race, this'll be the most mileage and experience we'll have going in to it.  How many times have I run 13.1 this year?


Hopefully making that twice after tomorrow.

What I have found odd during this build up is the fact that my running log this year has assumed the weekend warrior pose; it is basically a Friday through Sunday miles heavy week with very few runs sprinkled during the work week.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Progress Report

As the first quarter of this year is already over (what?), I have upped mileage to 30 miles/week consistently and it feels a bit like a bunch of junk miles.  No real training plan, just running mostly on the treadmill and sometimes outside thanks to the extended winter.

After reading the latest Runner's World featuring Kara Goucher on the front, I feel a little better going in to the Pawtucket Half Marathon.  Why's that?

Well, after reading about the mental side of training, I now realize that my running log's 'quality' section is not to gauge how terrible it went but to frame how well it went.  One of the trainers even has runners look at their log and label each workout as either a loss or a win to help build confidence in the fact that most runs are tiny wins that add up to hopefully a great race and one bad workout doesn't destroy confidence.

Also, I may have hit a rut since most of my runs have been on the same route, at basically the same pace, for about the same distance.  While quite obvious, I should be varying my workouts with hills, a faster run, a long run, etc.

So after the half, gonna attack my 5k time before another half in the fall.