Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ten mile

The snow and ice had finally broken after a winter to be forgotten in terms of outdoor mileage.  While the temperature hit, in my opinion, the sweet spot (40-60), the sky would offer us no sunshine and only another dreary backdrop.

Today's agreed upon distance was 10 miles on a back and out on East Bay Bike Path.  As the years have gone by (five, yes, five years) since we started this experiment of running, it amazes me that we continue to soldier on.  In the length of a Hollywood movie (1:32), Knapp and I combined for 20 miles midday Wednesday.  The question persists, why are we doing this to ourselves?

While our reasons for running may be different (racing for dear life versus respite from life), one thing is clear and that is I find motivation from Knapp, who revealed a yarn that motivates him that I may also use to fuel my runs.  I never would have entered two marathons and 99% of my races, and dabbled in weight lifting were it not for him.  One thing for certain is that this synergy that happens hopefully continues another five years and beyond.