Sunday, June 8, 2014


Congratulations to two members of this team, Srilatha and Andrew (aka Knapp) on getting hitched!

Like after any day, I went for a jaunt through East Bay since I was in town (as was my Pops a week early for Father's Day).  The ABC's of today's ten-er:


At this point, the dreamy notion of getting faster and faster year after year has been met with resistance aka life and reality.  Running is more to keep myself aesthetically pleasing than athletically pleasing.  But East Bay on a great day as today, it doesn't get any better than this.  Aesthete recognizing aesthete (that's a word, right?).  One weekend, I may even stay in Boston during the weekend and (gulp) run long.  It's like that first time I moved to URI, I didn't want to be left alone to fend for myself.

Bird shit and begging

The path begged and pleaded for a ten miler instead of a measly nine and I like usual caved in.  So as part of the aesthetically pleasing part, I decided to run shirtless in honor of the trailblazer of doing so, Knapp.  Well, Mother Nature shook her finger like Dikembe Mutombo and bird crap came raining down on my parade.  Well played, well played.


I conducted another waving experiment and I've come to the conclusion that anyone my age, female or male, will not wave back either out of sheer horror of my shirtlessness or of some innate competition.  Anyone older or with children of their own have lan 84.6% chance of waving back.


Rhode Island.  Don't go changin'.  I just need to bring some money for that frozen lemonade.


It seems as though my energy is back after a tumultuous May and hopefully June and on will be a bit more calm.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Half Marathon make up

After two weeks in Dedham, it was nice to get some home (Rhode Island is home?) cooking and see (randomly) folks I haven't seen in a while and experience nice weather in Barrington.  So living in a dearth of miles in Dedham, I went from 6 miles to 13.1, Colt State and back.  While not anything spectacular, it was nice after a 3 week funk since the half marathon DNF.  The futuristic knight I saw at the end made my week as a motorcyclist had a medieval sword on his back.