Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hard Reset

This far in to 2014, all I can say is that after May I have been reeling running wise, call it runner's block, call it a proverbial funk, call it what you want.  Piling miles on, taking breaks not due to injury but trying to possibly break the funk.  As of today, I (hopefully) found my way out.

How, you may ask yourself.

Well, my first time trying yoga.  I know, I know, as effeminate as that may sound, I gave it a go since
a) it was free
b) it was free

so what did I have to lose?

Sans mat and wearing socks (kindly being told to remove them), I faked my way through an hour on the roof top with faux grass.  Aside from the fact two male residents decided to sit on the opposite end of the roof and leer at the female yoga-ists (that's a word...also a good plan), it relaxed me.  The hip loosening poses (mainly pigeon pose) which I did many moons ago felt like the Tin Man getting a shot of oil at the hinges.  The focus of breathing, the melting in to the roof, the exhale and gaze at a perfectly blue Boston sky may be the shot I needed to get back to running well.

After dinner,  I had to run.  My legs and hips haven't felt this well in a while and more importantly I felt I was able to take in twice as much oxygen.  Who knew stretching and relaxing could help?