Thursday, January 1, 2015


Welcome to 2015, and year 6 of the running club.  As we wave good bye to 2014, I am looking forward to a great year.  How do I get on the right foot?  Break in my Nike Flyknit Lunars going the other way on the Charles River, trying my darndest to get these northerners to wave back.  Along the way, I notice that I am chugging along at a decent clip that can be explained by actually sleeping on New Year's Eve and shoes that have cushion after running in mostly minimalist shoes.  I do not know why I don't go this way more often since there are woods and trail like areas.  At this rate, I would have 4,781.5 miles for 2015.

There is an indoor meet coming up with elites in Boston, decent tickets are $44 and cheap seats are $22 at one of the fastest tracks in the world.  It's in my backyard, why not go?  It's February 7th,

Finally, I have joined a couple of run groups up here.  I have to say I should've stepped my efforts up to keep more of you motivated; their leader gave out Marathon Sports gift cards, I got a sweet Saucony water bottle, and we had pizza and beer.   Mea culpa, dudes.