Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jetlagged, cold/flu like symptoms, feeling great

With Europe and sickness swiss-cheesing my lofty forty miles a week pipe dream, I headed home to Barrington to visit Pops.  Originally planning on a 7 miler and 8 miler to get up to thirty miles for the week, I still felt the effects of it all and passed out.  Slumbered hard until noon the next day and finally went for a run.  A little over two miles in to it, I felt better, loose, and with headphones blaring I ran in the direction of an older lady with sunglasses and a big overcoat on talking to me.  I removed my headphones and she just repeats "you make it look so easy! (pause) but it isn't".

That made my week.

I felt sluggish but after that, picked it up and just kept chugging along, seeing strangers waving and smiling (this isn't Boston) and again, it is all the perspective and mind set that you set out the door with. I originally was going to feel out the run and see how far I could get.  With that encouraging sentence from a complete stranger, I felt I was on the hook for ten miles, smiling the whole way, feeling energetic.