Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Aaron tries for run group #3 (or 4?) in Boston

After trying out a handful of run clubs, I went solo for 100% of my runs for the past year.  After some time off, it was time to get back with running with people who know I am running with them and not racing them on the path.

First and foremost, I just want to say how much I forgot being new, for a lack of better words, sucks.  I get it, the "group" you try to break in to doesn't know you at all.  Nonchalant me waltzes in, expecting the fact I have been running for a while to be enough.  Or the fact that during the high-five tunnel, I was pretty far up in the totem pole since I have never run the route we did tonight so I tried to stay with people's paces so I wouldn't get lost without my phone.

And as per usual, once the jitters went away, people are nice (shocking).  Now, to see if I can stick with this run group as Aaron Tang and commitments in Boston, well, there's a 3 month expiration usually.