Wednesday, March 25, 2020

'Rona Running

Quick blurb but to get out and get some exercise during this corona era, I ran the Newton Hills for a nice little half marathon distance.  It was nothing special and as I hit a third of the way in downhill, I was coming up to an older runner who was saying something to me which was inaudible with my permanent headphones in.  I took a bud out and heard her say "you ain't gettin past me!". I laughed and we spoke (at a 6 foot distance) about being runners. I told her as she mentioned she was older that she wasn't old because she was a runner.  We both went on about going to work during this time as healthcare essential workers, wished each other safety and my run became that much better with a smirk on my face.  While I have come to become a Bostonian I know all too well the social distancing that was happening prior to this corona virus but maybe we will be nicer to each other after the fact (who knows, must be the runner's high still coursing in my veins).

Side note, it's odd to run the course knowing it'll be delayed til September.  I also am slowly getting my legs back, only took 4 months...old Man Tang.