Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Trip Down Memory Lane

This weekend had flashbacks of the past, with the Blessing race running through the old URI stomping grounds and Sunday's Cumberland run through the Cherry Blossom half path.

The run Sunday had us dropping like flies as KOB was recovering from the night before, Knapp hit a couple miles before the night before settled in, and my knee said not today with Pat left to baby sit me for the end of July (as well as the beginning, weird), walking back in the heat. While we were running the trail, it was nice to see the path that we used for the half marathon. What wasn't nice was the lack of shade towards the end.

Leaving Ashton Mills, Pat and I found this so to finish out the college-like weekend, it's now sitting in my apartment. I hope the thing doesn't steal my soul or take pictures from the future a la Goosebumps or the Twilight Zone.

And to round it all out in throwback mode, I had to hit 100 miles for the month (albeit the weirdest way to a 100 month if you check my log) due to my OCDness and ran the 3.1 mile out and back to Wild Colonial Pub. What was odd was half of the run was painted with a green line that followed the exact path (maybe from Waterfire over the weekend?). I also managed to see that there was a house music street festival. Mind you it's Sunday night, 9:30 pm.

LunaRacers+ bought; 25% off road runner. FYI, if you sign up for their VIP program, it's 1 dollar the first year. They auto-charge you 25 bucks the next year so be wary of that.


  1. the mirror scope is awesome

    and that green line is obviously your financial future, havent you seen a fidelity commercial?

  2. Pat, for the green line reference you win 1,000 internet points
