Wednesday, November 7, 2012

last (and only) 20

To better handle the urban landscape for marathon #2, I decided to run my 20 inside Providence.
Ran a round trip of 5 to go back home and get some water and honey, my preferred caloric need for the race and to use the restroom.  Then did another 10 in my usual College Hill avoiding, Blackstone park using route.  As for the final 5, I rolled my left ankle pretty hard in front of a couple and again have hamstring issues.  I think I am mentally ready since this was my first semi-continuous 20 miler.

Post race, I will definitely take a month off from running and return to hitting the weights and maybe elliptical or ... a bike.

As for the race?

Run a conservative race for 4:15 OR roll the dice on a 4:00 (or potentially blow up again)?

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