Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Redeem Team

The rumors are true, we are insane: redemption run for round 2 of the marathon, the Philly Marathon.

Personally, after about a month since the marathon, I am still trying to regain my legs. When faced with the proposition of running a 5k or half in the near future, it is such a dramatic change in terms of speed and mentality. The marathon and the training itself seemed like a long easy run (because it was, right?). I have been testing my 5k and half pacing for short intervals and need to kick it back up a gear or two.

I also finally realized I have (if ideal conditions) race pace for mile, 5k, half, and full. (6,7,8,9)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

So Mainstream

With the whole trend of Shit _____ says, this is the best runner's one: Sh!t Runners Say.

Guilty of saying more than 1/2 of these.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Aftermath

With the completion of my first marathon, the next question becomes what next? The brains of the whole operation, Knapp, with this year's schedule:

Cherry Tree Half Marathon (defend our 1st place team title?) (5/20)
and ... the Philly Marathon? (11/18) We'll see.

Post-marathon, the chafed areas have finally healed after 2 weeks and I am now the proud owner of 4, count em 4, black toe nails. I took pics of the feet but now feel they are NSFW.
After my first non-treadmill gym session, it has come to my attention that I am wildly weak. Time to hit the weights again.