Saturday, May 5, 2012

GI Joe and the long run

(around Washington St. pre-Cox running bonanza tomorrow)

After a break from the blog and from running due to kickball/work, I came back looking for 14 miles. What did I find? A bunch of runners in race mode apparently; I have never gone out on a long run, waved at every runner, and received zero waves back. Undeterred, I ran to the east, up and down Blackstone to find my newest long run nemesis; my GI tract.

Half way in to 14, I was stopped short. Walk. Run. Walk. Run. Walk. Venture in to a gas station bathroom? Walk. Run. Snap above picture. Run.

13.1 should be sufficient. The first 7 was run as close to 9 minute pace and the last 6.1, I tried picking it up. From 7-8.5, some dude who was walking in front of me in an aneurysm-inducing zig zag pattern, decided to chase me down.
The sound of footsteps.
The thought that maybe I need to turn my iPod down because it could just be my footsteps.
Then the walking runner right behind my shoulder pushed me to 5k pace.
The testosterone outweighed my need to run even. I negative split him to the end of Blackstone as he started walking, and I continued the 2nd half of my run

Also, someone remind me to sign our team up; you guys signed up again before I could get a team.

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