Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Are you smug?

It has come to my attention that for some of us, we may have crossed the border in to the land of no return. What am I talking about?

Well, I think that I may be perceived as a bit of a health nut at work for running a 14 miler pre-work and eating 'healthy', being disgusted by juice that ISN'T watered down.

So what? I do the same things, Aaron.

Well, let's remember not too long ago, I and many of you approached a 5k as a daunting task, as if completing it was equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest. As you shared your experiences with co-workers asking that automatic question about how your weekend was, they empathized or sympathized with you, as you described your struggles to run a mile or two all while trying to look like a runner. (No easy feat, mind you)

Fast forward to the present and as I yawn audibly at work at the beginning of my shift, the question asked was how much sleep I had gotten.


But, I added, I ran a 14 miler and a race pace 7 the night before and that was why I was tired. In fact, I tacked on the factoid that my weekly mileage on my legs (47) was greater than the mileage that week on my car (10?).

To you all, you've done this distance so it isn't a complete shock. I think to most, the statement about mileage just sounds like bragging. It's hard not to come across as such and I do recall not too long ago whenever a cousin of mine or friends mentioned running or lifting, I'd think they were rubbing it in my face that they were in better shape than my former self. My takeaway is self awareness is key and that I am glad I can share my experiences with you all (y'all) and ask about chafing or bleeding or what hurts because otherwise, I would be smug to the rest of the world.

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