Monday, October 1, 2012

20 miles. 5 cities. 3 Sisters.

List of excuses up front: back to back 10 milers after 3rd shifts, being sick.

Today's long run started at Haines Park so that we could make it all the way down to Colt State Park.   There is definitely a correlation between how far you are from Providence and the amount of 'hi's' and runner nods you get.

Speaking of hi's, Angela and I are, well, Chinese.  So clearly, the biker coming at us said "Ni hao".

Yeah, that's right.

Ni hao.

What's the equivalent for us? Saying "Bonjour" or "Guten tag"?

I'm not even offended (well, except for the fact it was a biker)

Colt State Park, wow.  First, it is the site of my 5k pr so that's always great.  Either I hit up some endorphins or it's always this beautiful:

Runner's tip: they have bathrooms and a water fountain (or sink water) where the race was organized, further down from the random skate park.

Today would prove to be the hardest run so far in this round of training (not only because it's the longest) but my hamstrings were worn down and I hit the wall for the second time ever at mile 14.

Good thing Angela, who isn't even training for a race, pushed me along so that we got back to the car at around mile 16.  Had to refuel on butternut squash, apples and almond butter.

After refueling, we looped Blackstone and then some to hit 20.

5 cities: Providence, East Providence, Barrington, Warren, Bristol

3 Sisters (end of Blackstone near India) mint ice cream post 20 miler (bonus, they have free water):

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