Wednesday, September 7, 2011

East Bay Bake Path and Training, the first world way

It seems as though it has been a while since I've written about a normal easy run on here. Breaking that mold ... now. With the stars aligning, 3 runners had the same day off and with weather dipping to the 60s, the trio (the Ashton Mills Duo and myself) spent 10.5 miles together on the East Bay Bike Path. In an hour and forty minutes, we found out:

-sans ice (and bikers due to it being a Tuesday), this path is great for long runs
-heckling runners isn't easy; I still haven't heard an awesome heckle, for shame general public
-no matter what, the bathroom at the 5 mile mark is always closed
-easy pace is great. Except when the point above is in play
-Bolt in Daegu is still Usain Bolt

Kevin's Corner of Thoughts:
-it smells like weed, hence the Kevin dubbed East Bay Bake Path
-there's a new species of duck or Lochness Monster thanks to Kevin
-if the mansion on the path had Ryan Gosling in it, he'd break in
-in the event sharks become super intelligent (and capable of land maneuverability), the human race as we know it will not exist. Especially if the world becomes flooded a la Waterworld

We are definitely blessed to be able to run but that also probably means we are part of the middle-class 1st world and thus, we should train like it:

Ankle weights: thanks to Lauren lending me these, I hope I can fix my knee pain.

Natural Peanut Butter/ Almond Butter/ Cashew Butter: that's right, these exist and are written in order of most main stream to hard core Whole Foods hippie.

Chia seeds: If you read Born to Run, you'd swear every athlete would endorse this instead of Gatorade. Well, while visiting Sean at work post-race, I saw Chia Pets were now selling this. Running's gone mainstream. Still haven't tried em. Yet.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the East Bay Bikepath is great for long runs. That's where I did a majority of my long runs. 22 miles? No problem... just run out 11 miles and turn around. It was very convenient because then I didn't have to plan out my runs all around town.

    I definitely would recommend to go during the daytime on a weekday. Evenings and weekends can get really busy with bikers and walkers. Especially families, with kids that will drive right into you since they're never really paying attention.
