Thursday, September 15, 2011

Running makes life better

I. Running makes life better
II. Life makes running better

Let's face it, I hate going to the dentist. They measure my heart rate there and I am always at least at stage 1 hypertension aka high blood pressure. White coat syndrome be damned, I was determined to not think about it as I noticed the assistant had Reebok Zigs on which she said helps her knees (no Nike Frees though) and that spun in to training, mileage, "fueling" runs with beer, the "hills" of Dallas races, ankle injuries, and a half marathon in Vegas and Vegas in general.

I don't think I have ever given a dental hygienist a high five before until this appointment. All because of running.

Also, in this whole healthy approach, the hygienist does know if you floss so to stop them from complaining, floss every day.

During our latest in a series of long runs called "Getting Ready for _____(half-) Marathon", Sean, Knapp, and myself went for an easy 12 miler in Cumberland. How do you determine if your run is easy? The first quarter was spent talking about the Vegas trip I just embarked upon. It also made the first quarter fly by.

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