Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Marathon Time

One week down, 15 more to go.

This week's long run of 10 miles was at 10:00 minute pace for the Cumberland Duo + myself. After the first week, knees are holding up but my left foot definitely feels a bit weird on the outer section. The first couple of weeks of training should be fine since the mileage is where I have been all year. In a month, it'll start ramping up to where I will be entering uncharted territory.

This experience definitely will test two things that I have not really been tested upon: faith and commitment. I have to trust in a higher power that my training will take me to the finish line and I have to follow more or less a plan that will make my long runs nowadays pale in comparison.

Plan for marathon:

Run together for the first 10 miles
Or we could always just ride a bus for the last 6 miles.
We have no excuses to not run a marathon: Running with a baby on board and 100 year old runner

To-do list:
Find a hotel room for Sunday night post-race.

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