Saturday, November 26, 2011


(mile 2 of my 17-er)
Salt clinging to my head and arms, legs sore, ice cold shower in the winter, optimism in my head. It can only mean one thing: I just finished a long run.

I decided to hit it old school with Wu-Tang Clan blaring out of my Walkman of the 21st century and actually running out there in the streets. Thanks to the holiday/ Black Friday, the streets were pretty empty as I easy paced it around town.

That is, until I found out (TMI) that my bowels still have a 2 hour maximum. So I had to retreat to the ol' gym and treadmill the last 7, 3 at 10 minute pace and the last 4 at race pace.

For me, the hardest part of these insta-longest runs of my life is the mental aspect. For a while, I've plateaued as far as my mileage so I really haven't had to pump myself unless it was before a race. Now, I have to watch inspirational videos, amp myself up, and keep thinking :gulp: positively. You have to right after crossing that threshold because no one is there to make sure you run that XX-miler. I become more humbled mile by mile at people who have run a marathon because they are some combination of talented, have tremendous heart, or are positive to the point the glass isn't half full or half empty but all the way full.

Cell phone on the run:
pros: pictures

cons: telemarketers

With ice packs on my legs, I realize how ridiculous the first version of Running Tang was, with ice on my knees after each 3 mile run.

After my long run, what should I appear in my mailbox but an early Christmas present, Garmin 405 with bra-like HR monitor. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


5k Results:
Norwell Turkey Trot
Kevin O'Brien 22:24.1, 2nd in age group
Andrew Knapp 22:46, 3rd in age group (PR)
Nikki Hilliard 30:53.8
Sri Vallabhaneni 31:39.7

Dallas Running Club 5k
John Tang 25:14, 2nd in age group (PR)
Lisa Tang 28:27, 3rd in age group

Not too much to report on training, just trying to fit training in with my life/work. Sunday's 16 has been bumped to Tuesday since working the weekend meant I'd have to wake up at 5 if I wanted to. 3rd shifts and no sleep = Tuesday.

Doing the math in my head, if I follow the plan, I'd run 16 Tuesday, 17 Sunday, and for the week be at 50+. Keep in mind, 45 is the most I've done in a 7-day span and these two long runs will be insta-longest runs in my life. What do I have to do? Shut off my brain and trust my legs (then bury them in ice).

Also, Lunaracer+'s, like all Nikes, look amazing. As far as the feel so far, my feet may be too wide for em.

East Bay Bike Path 16, the good, the bad, and the ....ok?

The Bad News:
East Bay Bike Path is closed until APRIL 2012. So I had to make due and run around East Providence/ Providence.

Bikers can't read signs; they are supposed to walk their bikes across the bridge that connects India Point to East Bay (oh yeah, I crossed that bridge).

I can go 2 hours before I need a bathroom break.

The Good News:

12 miles in and I had to drive to my gym for said bathroom break. What should happen next?


16 miles, new longest run and it feels great.

Encouraging honking from a female makes the rolling hills of the official Scenic Route Veterans Memorial Parkway easier.

Knapp was right; Gu gummies midway helped (even if it was a placebo effect). Time to stock up this weekend.

The ... OK/Usual News:
The last 4 miles were on the treadmill so it wasn't a continuous 16 (if it was, I would have needlessly lost a pair of good shorts and underpants).

A triathlete looking guy (does that make most of us uni-athletes?) ran around with low T-Rex hands.

Spumoni ice cream and lack of quality of sleep due to a Breaking Bad marathon is not a solid plan pre-long run.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Check out this sweet interactive exhibit at the NYC Marathon, I wonder how we could do against Ryan Hall for 60 feet...