Saturday, November 26, 2011


(mile 2 of my 17-er)
Salt clinging to my head and arms, legs sore, ice cold shower in the winter, optimism in my head. It can only mean one thing: I just finished a long run.

I decided to hit it old school with Wu-Tang Clan blaring out of my Walkman of the 21st century and actually running out there in the streets. Thanks to the holiday/ Black Friday, the streets were pretty empty as I easy paced it around town.

That is, until I found out (TMI) that my bowels still have a 2 hour maximum. So I had to retreat to the ol' gym and treadmill the last 7, 3 at 10 minute pace and the last 4 at race pace.

For me, the hardest part of these insta-longest runs of my life is the mental aspect. For a while, I've plateaued as far as my mileage so I really haven't had to pump myself unless it was before a race. Now, I have to watch inspirational videos, amp myself up, and keep thinking :gulp: positively. You have to right after crossing that threshold because no one is there to make sure you run that XX-miler. I become more humbled mile by mile at people who have run a marathon because they are some combination of talented, have tremendous heart, or are positive to the point the glass isn't half full or half empty but all the way full.

Cell phone on the run:
pros: pictures

cons: telemarketers

With ice packs on my legs, I realize how ridiculous the first version of Running Tang was, with ice on my knees after each 3 mile run.

After my long run, what should I appear in my mailbox but an early Christmas present, Garmin 405 with bra-like HR monitor. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

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