Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Long Run

Koan: what's the sound of one hand clapping?
Running Koan: does a long run count if no one knows about it?

Today's the Tang version of GTL (Go run and Tan shirtless, do Laundry)

2 things occurred to me when I ran long today on East Bay:
1) I like East Bay
2) I hate bikers

I am probably cranky from running 8 the night before (flashlight app on iPhone, so clutch for that) this morning's 16 but I am gonna go on a rant.

Wannabe Lance Armstrong/ Nascar sell outs ( check out the "sponsored" jerseys), can you scoot out to the 2nd lane on the path? I really don't feel like having you guys brush past my barely visible arm hair. God forbid, you or I trip. I realize I have dropped a couple lbs but it is still inexcusable to stay in my lane. Can't wait until the weather is "too cold" for bikers and perfect for us runners.

Rant over.

Thanks to a co-worker that runs, I may have found a more palatable solution to calories on the go; Honey Stinger. Just bought a box of it on Amazon.

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