Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Lottery and goals for the year

So the results of the Chicago Marathon travesty continue to not surprise me; for the 15k spots left, 36k entered. Knapp got in and I (rightfully so) found an e-mail in my spam folder that sounded like a college rejection letter.  "Thanks for applying but unfortunately blah blah blah".

The bad news: we won't be running the Chicago Marathon.

The good news: we won't be running the Chicago Marathon.

So if we go back to the original plan of no marathons this year, I can run the New Hampshire half in the fall with an ex-resident.  What goal do I have in mind for this race?  After this morning's run with Providence running buddy Angela, apparently I will have to run sub 1:40 since she has run a 1:46 for the Newport one.

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