Sunday, August 10, 2014

With a week to go until the Gansett Bay Half, I have definitely pounded pavement on the course.  Problem is, I feel as prepared for this as my first half what with moving, changing jobs, and having less energy and motivation to run more mileage.  I have been trying to maintain 25 miles a week.

As team bookworm Knapp lent me his book, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, (which I devoured this weekend), I found myself reflecting on two things:
1) the ebb and flow of motivation is definitely real, just like what the author went through.  I just don't know when I will be back to 100% gung ho about it.
2) 36 miles a week ain't too hard the way he says it.  Just an hour of running six days a week.

Today's long run in Barrington in preparation for next week began bare-chested per usual to the surprise of my dad.  Not sure if it's because I've put on a couple lbs or the weather was pretty cool in the morning.

Three miles in, I found myself in Warren and scanning the basketball court right next to the path.  It looked like someone had left a basketball right next to the court and since it was early enough, I took a detour from my run to shoot around a bit.  RUS. TY.  I don't think I've shot a ball in years.  But it was nice to just mess around.  On my way back, the ball disappeared ... did I imagine it all or did the lady ahead of me toss it in to the woods?

Anyways, I continued on my easy pace since I ran 8 Saturday morning and did leg work for the first time in forever so my knees felt a bit odd.  I decided to take the path all the way, thinking maybe I can hit 16 today in some OCD-ridden way to 30 miles for the week (on 3 days of running, a no-no).  I forget after passing Colt State, there's only another mile or so until you reach the end of the path in Bristol so technically, house to the end and back was 12.80 miles.  But it is so pretty down there, definitely worth the run.

On the way back I decided to make a pit stop at Colt State and ran in to what I thought was a race since there were volunteers in red shirts and trophies on a table.  Turns out, there was a car show today.

The pit stop was hit right on time.  Water fountain for rinse and repeat.  Bathroom surprisingly had automated everything.  Runners, note this stop since it's one of two stops I have ever seen on this path.

So next week, staying alive and finishing a race will be my main goal.  Once I move in to Allston, I will only have a month until the next half.  Then I'll get back to ramping up mileage in preparation for 2015.

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