Friday, March 8, 2019

How Tang got His Groove Back (for the millionth time)

Reflecting on a decade of running (time flies right?), I have found that basically every race report has been blemished with hurdles and obstacles, increasingly, with higher stakes as the years go on.  The races paired with life in this way were just coincidental (life is always filled with bumps, just mixed in with running), but life just continues to get tougher (and hopefully more rewarding).

As I continue to try and improve myself, I realize now that my anxiety (and unfounded fears) were what may have held me back during previous races and previous life hurdles. (Learning, even a decade later, who says you can't teach an old dog?)

Last year, running started taking a backseat, the lbs started to pile on, so naturally I had joined the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team to run the prestigious Boston Marathon (albeit sans BQ).

In the following months, I had to relearn all over how to love running.

The hills. The mileage. The runner's high.  The caloric furnace that reignited inside. The camaraderie.  The pain. The prestige. The double chin eradicator.

I hope that this springboards me forward, and I am able to not only reignite my passion for writing but to also continue to run at my usual 9 minute pace (never faster, never slower than this) until the end of time.

So going forward, I need to take pride in this aspect of my life and continue challenging myself, sign up for races that I pick (at least one each six months).  I forgot how much I miss training for a big race.

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