Saturday, March 23, 2019

Longest Boston pre-run

sleep? erratic.
nutrition? chili cheese fritos and bon chon fried chicken.
life? all over the map.

aka, the usual haha

Today would be the final long run for Boston, a little over 3 weeks out.  Switching it up from gummies to the ol’ Gu. Brian and I would lace em up one more time, with us on the wake-up call on WCBV (me front and center haha) and very inspirational speeches from Team Matty.  After christening the BC bathrooms, we headed out for 21.

We were dubbed the “fast runners” as we passed this one guy immediately after the BC gym we were at.

I wasn’t feeling too hot, trying to keep up with Brian as we chatted with a Bristol runner, Andy.  The run was broken down in 2 mile increments for DFMC water stops (thanks to all the volunteers!).  Gu time was at mile 5 and thanks to poor nutrition, I burned through my 4 quickly as I had my last at mile 14.

Brian pulled ahead around mile 6, I thought about slowing up but got a burst of energy to catch up and continue to go stride for stride.  Just pull me to mile 20 and see what I have left in the tank.

We came in at the half mary mark at 1:53, well below 4 hour pace.  We were definitely sub 9 pace and just let it ride despite multiple pump the brakes hand gestures.  I felt like the only thing holding me back was lack of Gu (thank God for those pretzel nuggets that I squirreled in my cheeks).  Trying to contain pace downhill was fruitless so by the time we hit Newton, I let it rip.  I actually got a comment from Andy, apparently it looked like I was on a bike powering up those hills.

Heartbreak Hill at mile 20....ok now I get it haha. Definitely harder (the lululemon tunnel helped). the cheering, cars honking encouragement, the Sun peeking out...I don’t know what it was but I was on 8 minute pace for the last 4 miles.

Maybe it was the iPod playing Empire of the Sun to Grand National on a loop.

Right hip is still feeling off, hold on for three more weeks.

lessons learned:

6 gu packets/ pretzel nugs?
get to the top of mile 21, then let it rip with the finishing kick.

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