Monday, April 15, 2019

Run Like a BOS week of

Week of: man, every race report has life coming at me fast. Tapering and dealing with a break up, sleep being erratic at best/ consistently inconsistent, check.  Brian and I watching the weather report hour by hour, shopping around the best option, seeing it go from rain to ... hot and humid like Marine Corps...We went from tights and buying rain gear to this...Nurses and the like coming to tell us they would never do this and that we must be so nervous...yeah I wasn't nervous until now haha

Friday: Thankfully Brian has been on top of planning as we went to grab our bibs at Hynes in what was the most organized expo I’ve been to, to date.  We had our work clothes (corduroys and Osprey bags as if we were a couple haha) and grabbed our bibs and shirts. Per usual, my medium shirt was a bit too tight as we changed in the middle of a ballroom as a fellow team member came by to say hi to us.  After taking our bib pics, we snaked our way around the expo and looked for our free OOFOS flip flops.

The adventure would take us to Newbury St, as Brian put it, the street we don’t belong on. The pop up shop for OOFOS was dope as we walked around as people tried on the newest recovery tools.  We then hightailed it to the Marriott to check in with the DFMC team. Grabbed a beer at the stuffy crowd at Abe and Louie’s to see Tiger almost eat it at the Masters.  I then naturally had to get Thai food days before a race because of course.

Saturday:  Pop-up Record shop? Record Store Day. Still a hipster.  Reading on top of Summit Ave. Chickem Shwarma? yup and a matcha latte and pretzel from Clear Flour, checking out Booksmith and the hipster honeytrap around there with the candles. Bonus? Getting a LUUUKKKA shout out with my Luka shirt in college country.

Sunday: Pasta Dinner and Mama Tang day.  Uplifting stories throughout the night, the best from the race director said pre-heart surgery, he asked if he could run after. The doctor said it’s not a yes or no, but I’d be surprised if you didn’t. Go home, my mom’s chattin up an old friend from China. She’s got more friends in Brighton than me haha.

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