Friday, December 24, 2010

Week before 2011

Youtube Videos
Long Run
no dog poo but...
Treadmill Pro's

from forum:

After watching the running parts of the movie, Endurance (Haile, best long distance runner of all time), I had to download Theodros Tadesse's "The Final Race" at all costs, even if it meant recording it off of myspace. This song on a loop coupled with the fact that I have a keyless entry in my Nike glove so I can wave my palm over the door to open it like a Jedi = great long runs in Providence. (longest run-on statement)

Knapp (and any other runner's seeking mp3s)->link to the song, albeit shoddy recording on my computer of a myspace song

And despite avoiding the usual hazing of running new shoes through dog poop, I spit in the general direction of my Pegasus' after getting to Blackstone on its second run and it lands square on the left shoe.

Fortunately, I can use a treadmill after the Blizzard of '10, since the roads will be covered for ... the next 4 months? Either way, I still had to go to work today since it is not elementary school in Texas and an inch of snow would cancel it.

I apologize for the lack of posts due to not having access to the internet in my apartment until the 8th (a whole month without the internet...) so I have been borrowing wifi from the lobby.

Finally, as 2011 forces its way to us (2011?!? wow) I figured I would share my goals/ resolutions for the upcoming running year, in no particular order:
1k miles for 2011
PR half
PR 5k
marathon??? (dependent on the first 3)

p.s., do I shoot for an arbitrary 100 mile month in December by running 4.6 miles for the next 4 days?